Our entire future depends on aligning our multidimensional behavior/structures, learning to listen (without assumptions or defense), and collaborating.
The Cuyahoga County Conference on Social Welfare (CCCOSW) is an opportunity for social workers to enhance their role in analyzing, formulati...
Location: Vacant lot SW corner of East 59th and Outhwaite Avenue..
Join organizers Colie Foxworth, Margaret Foxworth, Rev. Jerome McKay, Maury Nunn and Gwen Garth for a pop-up movie night of the film "Harrie...
Location: Vacant lot SW corner of East 59th and Outhwaite Avenue..
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Annual Conference has been transformed from an in-person event to a virtual experience taking pl...
All community members are invited to join this Virtual Kick-off Event to learn about the 25Connects project. Led by RTA, 25Connects is a pub...
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